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Red Training Peaks Boxes Are NOT the Boss Of You!

#AskAway with Coach MK and Coach Sarah: 1/12/20

Coach MK and Coach Sarah livestream question and answer sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun, super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast!

This week, Coach Sarah and Coach MK answer questions about how to change your relationship with your Training Peaks compliance boxes, running through depression, and what it takes to go from low weekly mileage to race-ready.

First, COACH JESS of Enlighten Well LLC joins the podcast to talk about intuitive eating and the anti-diet challenge, which we are co-sponsoring along with SuperFitHero! Watch for her on this podcast over the next four weeks!

Then, we dive right into it!

Runner Interrupted #WEEKLYWINS!

16:00 I was cleared to start P.T. on Monday and I'm already seeing improvement in the mobility of my arm!

19:30 I went out with A FRIEND and drank WINE and ate OYSTERS and watched LITTLE WOMEN and it was great. I am a SELF.

21:30 I'm still in a weird place, but They Might Be Giants were fantastic! I thought of all my FPP people when I flipped off a Biggest Loser poster in the subway. Not sure that counts as a weekly win, but it sure felt good. I hated seeing those giant ads.


27:00 I use training peaks mostly on a desktop and it has been hard to get into the habit of updating. Some weeks I am behind on sleep, I am pretty good about daily strength (when I don't have to take care of kids in the morning), but honestly have not been able to get into the pattern of the rebuild workouts yet. I don't want to spend more money until I can do that. When I go into training peaks and see all red each week, how am I not supposed to feel like a failure?

34:20 Hi MK and Sarah! After several months of work and a few really bad weeks, I am now treating an episode of major depression. I’m on meds and I have a therapist, so I have a lot on my plate. What should I do about running? I had wanted to stay in Slow Burn for the fun and camaraderie (doing only the strength). But, I’m just a bit lost about my plan now. What are your thoughts on exercise and depression? Why should I keep the habit now? Can I stay in ReBuild?

43:30 How many weeks before a fun race should I switch from ReBuild to Maintain? Considering events for May and June. Haven’t run more than 12 miles a week in 18 months.


48:18 Hi, I’m brand new to FPP and heart rate training. I have a half marathon at the end of April, and I have no goals other than to have fun and finish with a smile on my face. I’m a slow AF runner who has used intervals for my last few half marathons, with finish times over 3 hours. If I keep up with the workouts, will I be in half marathon shape by end of April? I’m getting in around 4 miles in an hour with keeping my HR around 140.

50:15 MARATHON SHOUTOUTS!!! Kris Zarnoch, Kara Mayes, and Nicole McCormick all ran the HOT AF Disney World Marathon today! (And Nicole finished the Dopey Challenge - WHOA!)

52:10 Ok, talk to me about hills. What is your advice on adjusting heart rate levels if you find yourself in hilly terrain? I'm a New Yorker..we don't "hill." Out in Pittsburgh this weekend it appears they go uphill in both directions regardless of your route. I found it quite hard to stay under 140 and run. I think I ended up around 155 bpm as my avg. How should I handle this going forward especially for runs like Sat which was quite long? Thanx y'all!!

54:45 I have to move my Monday workout to Sunday this week due to some work travel. Is it super important to keep the Monday runs on the same day as the Monday strength in Slow Burn? I am leaning towards doing strength as written and the runs adjusted this week.

56:30 I'm on the second week of slow burn. I'm doing a trail 25k at the beginning of April. I will be doing my long runs on trails, but could possibly do another day on the trails. Can I do the Billat 30/30 on a trail? I know my pace wouldn't be as fast, but how do I measure? Effort?

Click here to subscribe to our podcast, Running Life, and get more racing and training tips from the coaches!

Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC where she trains her runners for $30 per month and gives marathon plans away for free.

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Jan 16, 2020

Sometimes I do feel bullied by my Polar watch! Last month it told me I was alternatively over reaching and in danger of de training! As I trust your plans I could happily dismiss my watch. I did change the colors in Training Peaks. Thanks!

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