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Fasts, Shifts, Strides and Snacks

#AskAway 4/26/20

Coach MK livestreams question and answer sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun, super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast!

This week, Chief Nutrition Officer Dalia Kinsey joins Coach MK to discuss what the "public figure" designation means on Instagram before tackling questions about communicating with children about snacks and money, nutrition for an HCP working 12-hour shifts in the ER with no ability to eat or drink during each shift, and finally strides, long runs and pep talks.

doctor with PPE Covid gear goggles mask gloves running life podcast

Intro with Dalia


“MK, thank you for mentioning the ‘public figure’ thing last week when you answered the TMI question. I had seen that on your IG and thought you were aggrandizing yourself! I GET IT NOW! Sorry for the things I said about it.”

Food & Justice

  • Dalia, loved your suggestion last week about leaving apples out so the kids can get their own snacks. How do we tell them to stop asking for other things in ways that don’t make them think of apples as ‘good food’? They want cheese sticks and goldfish crackers ALL THE TIME and I don’t want to talk about how much they cost because I don’t want them to know how worried we are about money right now.

  • Coaches, I am really struggling. Things at home are tense, on good days we are still pretty far from our best selves, and it’s hard. At the same time I feel guilty about this because we have stable employment and stable finances while so many are facing much bigger issues that can make home life dangerous as well as tense. You say that privilege isn’t something we can feel guilty about because we can’t share it or give it away, so what do we do? I guess this is a nutrition question because I’m eating my feelings and hate myself for it because so many cannot buy food.


  • Kristen Frazier - was consistent with running at least 4 days per week this month up from her usual 2-3. This has doubled her monthly mileage. She also had a great meeting with her supervisor who is pleased with her work and managed to find time to knit a mermaid tail for a sheep!!

  • Amanda K Blockinger Bailey - Ran her furthest/longest run since 2018 today and felt really strong and steady. Feels glad that her feet are feeling well these days and that She got to run 9 lovely miles.

  • Jennifer has had a great month of rebuilding without knee pain and is looking forward to lane 2 next month

  • Kathleen Hardeen has run 48 miles so far this month with 3-4 days of running left in the month. This will be her highest mileage month since November 2013 (53 miles)

  • Melissa Yaccuzo celebrated her birthday on Saturday with a family zoom party


  • Francine Reynolds Scheller finished her training for a 48 hour event even though the event was cancelled. She’s been consistently running doubles and 10 hour weekends throughout the quarantine.

  • Nikkia RaeDawn celebrated her nieces birthday by playing the part of a unicorn!

  • Katie Fry celebrated her birthday with an outdoor adventure breaking her areas quarantine

  • Elizabeth Tomlinson ran a virtual half marathon last weekend

  • Becky Horn celebrated her 48th birthday this week and got to see her pt via telehealth which seems to be helping her knee

  • Vi Askey remembered Coach's training to listen to and believe my body as she runs. That engrained muscle memory from runs has bled over to real life and helped her these last two weeks when life grabbed her by the face and hasn't let go yet. She’s trying hard to listen to her body and believe it thru her current storm.

  • Nicole Wood is trying to stick with the Maintain plan as written as much as she can. She’s been struggling on the long runs the past few weeks, but having some great midweek runs, so she’s being kind to my quarantine self and just playing things by ear - She absolutely loves walking outside when the weather is nice, so if the run is miserable, she’ll put in more walk breaks or just bag the run and walk the rest of the time.

  • Sara Seeburg cut both her sons’ and her husband’s hair and there were no bowls involved!



  • Hi! I’m finding that I really enjoy my weekday runs. However, I don’t really enjoy running long on the weekends outside of training for an event. What would the trade off be if I ran Monday - Friday and then did a long hike or bike on the weekend? Is it better to try to do my long run sometime during the week?


  • Nicole Wood is trying to stick with the Maintain plan as written as much as she can. She’s been struggling on the long runs the past few weeks, but having some great midweek runs, so she’s being kind to my quarantine self and just playing things by ear - She absolutely loves walking outside when the weather is nice, so if the run is miserable, she’ll put in more walk breaks or just bag the run and walk the rest of the time.

  • Sara S. : I know we’ve had these discussions before…. I’ve been doing some pretty intense strength classes via zoom a couple (3-5) days per week. The doing roughly 30 min easy runs 3 days per week with one longer one (60-90) minutes. Is that enough to maintain running fitness? I ran a PR half-marathon 4 months ago, but a virtual 5K yesterday that was 3 min off my PR…. So I’m worried and am thinking I need to up the running so I don’t lose more….

  • Hello! I need a little pep talk. I have kept up with training for my cancelled race which is a 50k on May 16th. This was the last heavy load week and my mental health has consumed me which meant missed runs including my last long run. I am making adjustments to my medications (per my doctor) but want to make sure I am going to be okay to do my own race in a few weeks! I know you guys have so much love and encouragement so I hope you can cheer me along as I move forward. Love you both!

  • I’m looking for my first pair of trail runners. Something light and flexible and good for narrow feet. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Nutrition Question: I am struggling with how to eat and hydrate during my 12 hour shift as a nurse. I work 9a-930p. I was floated to the ER which means 12 hours in a mask and face shield and no eating or drinking at the nurses station. Before 'Rona came and ruined everything, I would sneak in dinner around 5 or 6 having taken my lunch break around 12 or 1. Now, I am often getting my break between 2 or 3 and not eating or drinking again until I am off at 930. I am ravenous by that time and often over eat because I am so hungry and thirsty. And then, I have trouble getting to sleep. I have tried just eating a protein bar for dinner, but the lack of calories and fluid during the day end up making the next morning's run tough. Do you have any suggestions? I am good at eating breakfast and lunch and getting fluid in at those times, but I struggle with the late night meal.

  • I had a really really slow warmup for a stride sandwich and it got me thinking- strides at the end are Avocado toast, strides in the middle are a stride sandwich- would we ever put strides at the beginning of a workout? why or why not? (LOVE YOU MK!!!)

Click here to subscribe to our podcast, Running Life, and get more racing and training tips from the coaches!

Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC. Click HERE to download her most popular training plan, Tenacious AF, free!

Chief Nutrition Officer Dalia Kinsey is also The School Nutrition Dietitian utilizing a background in public health and school nutrition in preventative health care.

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