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Every Day Is A PR

A Chat with Coach Jennifer Wolf of FPP's Runner, Interrupted program

Subscribe to Running Life, the official podcast of The Fitness Protection Program on Apple Podcasts, Castbox, or your favorite podcast player and get more racing and training tips from the coaches!

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In Runner Interrupted, we are here to mat-talk you through whatEVER it is that's keeping you from doing the thing that you love, and we are so proud of the work that all our interrupted runners are doing on a daily basis!

(Actually, we love you so much we brought in Jerry Harris to tell you, in case you don't believe us!!!!!)

Fitness Protection, LLC exists because of Runner, Interrupted. This program constitutes the core concept of the company, Coach MK's vision for what she wanted FPP to be and who she most wanted to coach. We almost named this program "Coach MK In Your Phone and Up Your Rear End," but it was too long for the webpage title. Our interrupted runners have a lot of material at their disposal: a training plan in Training Peaks with daily prompts for reflection and journaling, a daily text message (Coach MK in your phone), a book written especially for the #runnernotrunning, and a Facebook community where they can come together and vent about their frustrations and celebrate their wins. What they are really getting, though, by way of all this, is a tether to the running community, a place to be where they don't feel behind, they don't experience pressure, and they know that someone else understands what they are going through. They don't have to put a positive spin on a shit sandwich; they just have to be where they are and go from there.

In this episode, we talk with Coach Jennifer Wolf, a chemistry professor living in Vancouver, BC, about why runners not running are the people who need a program, a tether, a connection to the running community more than anyone else. Running more slowly than you want to go at any given moment is THE hardest thing you will ever do, so consider how much HARDER it is to stop altogether. We also hear voice memos from several of our interrupted runners about the ways in which all the components of this program have guided them through their running interruptions!

MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC and Sarah Axelrod leads Fitness Protection's #CoachedandLoved Community. Try our accessible, affordable monthly running plans at!

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